For all kind of choirs, orchestras & bands
12th Edition 22-25 July 2025
13th Edition 28-31 July 2026
14th Edition 27-30 July 2027
The Original, the Inimitable Florence Choir Festival it is also open to Orchestras & Bands. The Festival takes place in the wonderful city of Florence, Italy, famous throughout the world for its magnificent cultural and artistic heritage, its warm welcome, accommodation capacity and outstanding quality of food and wine.
The 10th edition of FICF will take place from 25th to 27th July 2023 in some of the most prestigious places in the historical center of the city, such as the Salone dei Cinquecento, the Auditorium of Santo Stefano al Ponte Vecchio and the magnificent Basilicas of Santa Croce, San Lorenzo and Santa Trinita.
This Festival will be a great chance to spend wonderful days to celebrate Friendship, Music and different Cultures.
The organization will be happy to arrange longer stay to give the chance to visit the beautiful areas and cities near Florence, like Fiesole, Siena, San Gimignano, Chianti, Pisa, Arezzo.