

The Symposium and Competition are organized by the "Ensemble San Felice", an internationally renowned vocal and instrumental group that has been performing all over Europe for almost 20 years, its concert activity ranging from the medieval to contemporary repertoire.
The 1st edition of Florence Gospel Symposium will take place from 26th to 29th November 2020 in some of the most prestigious places in the historical center of the city.
each Category 3 pieces max. 15 minutes. 
A - Mixed Choirs Adults
B - Equal Voices Choirs Adults
C - Youth Choirs
D – College Choirs
E – High School Choirs
F - Children Choirs
G - Chamber Choirs (min 8 max 16 singers)
H - Vocal and Instrumental Ensembles
I - Sing & Dance
L - Traditional & Old School
M - Modern and Contemporary Repertoire

X - Non-Competitive Groups  

Rules for each category Choirs

Categories A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
1. one work of traditional repertoire
2. one work of modern & contemporary repertoire
3. one work of own choice
Category I 
the three pieces have to be with dance or with coreography

Category L
1. one Hymn or Spiritual
2. one Traditional & Old School work of Classic Gospel until 1980
3. one work of own choice


Category M
1. one work of Modern Repertoire of Classic Gospel until 1980
2. one work of Contemporary Gospel
3. one work of own choice 


After receiving the application form, each group will be contacted by email and receive detailed information on further steps. 
Apply now here!

In each category the jury will assign the following prices:
1st place: Gold Medal, Golden Diploma
2nd place: Silver Medal, Silver Diploma
3rd place: Bronze Medal, Bronze diploma
1 - The Winner
2 - The Best Conductor
3 - The Best Male and Female Soloist
4 - The Best Band
5 - The Best Performance of Original Arrangement
6 - The Best Choreography
7 - The Best Costumes
The Winner will be the best Choir or Ensemble for excellent artistic performance.
All choirs which do not receive a prize will get the Diploma of successful participation in Festival.

Performance will be judged by international jury members,
including conductors, opera singers, composers.
The Jury will judge: intonation, vocal production, interpretation, diction and general artistic effect.
The decisions of the Jury are final.
The Jury, after consideration of all artistic matters, may not award some prizes or may award joint or additional prizes.
The Festival enrollment fee for each choir is 200 euros and 150 euros for every supplemental category, non refundable.
In order to be admitted in the Competition and Festival, the payment of enrollment fee is required.
Each choir is responsible for obtaining copyrights and permission to use all material during their performance at the festival.

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Contact Us

FICF - Florence International Choir & Orchestra Festival

Borgo Ognissanti, 42
50123 Firenze - ITALY
Phone: +39 339 8362788
Registered office:
viale Eleonora Duse, 12 - 50137 Firenze
CF 94182950488 PI 06051270483