Jury 2018

Federico Bardazzi

Studied cello under André Navarra in Siena and Paris. He continued his studies on chamber music with Piero Farulli of the Quartetto Italiano and the Quartetto Borodin, composition with Carlo Prosperi and Roberto Becheri, Gregorian chant with Nino Albarosa, as well as basso continuo with Andrew Lawrence King, viola da gamba and choir conducting with Roberto Gabbiani and Peter Phillips and orchestral direction at the Accademia Chigiana under Myung-Whun Chung.
Bardazzi, with the Ensemble San Felice, the vocal and instrumental group whose repertoire is mainly medieval to contemporary sacred music, has concentrated particularly on music by Bach, conducting the B minor Mass, the Six German Motets, the Johannes Passion, the Brandenburg Concertos and numerous Cantatas. He also devotes himself to 17th century music, and has presented rarely performed music by Marco da Gagliano, Frescobaldi, Carissimi, Buxtehude, Jeronimo de Carrion and François Couperin in numerous festivals in Italy and abroad. Amongst the most successful performances by Bardazzi is a personal version of the "Magnificat", sponsored by the European Union. " El cant de la Sibilla", a program of medieval Catalan music presented at the Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto, "Nigra sum sed formosa", cantigas de Santa Maria and "Quem queritis" the medieval liturgical drama based on Florentine codices were equally successful. In September 2005 he was invited to hold a concert at the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London, for the Oxford University Press Early Music Weekend. This included a meeting with the public at the Purcell Room, coordinated by Tess Knighton and with Marcel Pérès director of the Ensemble Organum.
He has also presented the world premieres of contemporary works.
Federico Bardazzi is the founder and President of the Ensemble San Felice that also organize the In-canto Gregoriano festival, international meetings in Florence on the re-appraisal of early liturgical music, from both a scientific and interpretative point of view.
The meetings are organised in association with the Associazione Internazionale Studi di Canto Gregoriano in Cremona: Federico Bardazzi was a member of the National Committee from 2002 to 2005. He now performs Gregorian works with female voices, their voice-training is carried out by the group's soloist Barbara Zanichelli.
Recordings by the Ensemble San Felice directed by Federico Bardazzi include the Six German Motets by Johann Sebastian Bach, the first world recording of the Messa sopra l'aria di Fiorenza by Girolamo Frescobaldi (Bongiovanni), the Cantigas de Santa Maria di Alfonso X "Nigra sum sed Formosa" (Bongiovanni), the medieval Florentine liturgical drama "Quem Queritis?" (Tactus), which they performed on numerous tours in Italy and abroad. Their concerts have been broadcast by Rai, Swiss, German and Polish radio and television, and by the BBC, who are now putting together a 50-minute program on his musical activities.
Federico Bardazzi was professor of chamber music for strings and Baroque music at the Vincenzo Bellini Conservatory in Palermo, and now holds the same post at the Luca Marenzio Conservatory in Brescia. This has lead to regular and fruitful collaboration with the Ensemble Barocco Marenzio in Brescia and the Antiche Armonie choir in Bergamo, directed by Giovanni Duci.
Federico Bardazzi is also the director of the courses of "Maggio Fiorentino Formazione", the formation agency of the Opera House of Florence, the famous "Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino".
Bardazzi has held numerous concerts with these groups, often presenting the first performances of sacred Baroque music.
Alda dalle Lucche
Saxophonist. She graduated with the maximum of votes and praise at the Cherubini Conservatory of Florence. Since 1997 she is a saxophonist of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Orchestra, since 2005, in the Orchestra del Teatro Lirico of Cagliari, in 2009 she is invited by Claudio Abbado to make part of the Mozart Orchestra. Chosen by Luciano Berio for international tours. Winner of the international award dedicated to Astor Piazzolla. She dedicates herself with passion to music research of all kinds through her instrument collaborating with actors, writers and composers. Teacher of Saxophone in the three year course and Chamber Music at the Music School of Fiesole.
Dario Cecchini

Saxofonista, flautista, compositore, ha collaborato sia con musicisti jazz: Lee Konitz, Natalie Cole, Kenny Wheeler, Grande Orchestra Nazionale dell' Ass. musicisti jazz diretta da B. Tommaso, P. Fresu, E. Pieranunzi, M. Giammarco, S. Bollani, M. Tamburini, F. Bosso, D.Liebman, G. Petrella e molti altri, che di altra estrazione: Fred Wesley, Raul Midon, Avery Sunshine, Karima, Simone Cristicchi, Adriano Celentano, Eros Ramazzotti, Biagio Antonacci, Jovanotti, Eumir Deodato, Gino Paoli, Alessandra Amoroso, Zucchero, Giorgia, Alexia, Gege' Telesforo, Dirotta su Cuba, Riccardo Tesi.
Nel 1998 crea la FUNK OFF, una Marching Band di 15 elementi per cui compone e arrangia tutto il repertorio e con cui partecipa ai più importanti festivals in Italia e facendo tournè in tutta Europa, Australia, Stati Uniti, Brasile, Sud Africa, Georgia, Cina e con cui ha inciso 7 CD tutti di musica propria. Sempre nel 1998 inizia la collaborazione con Leonardo Pieri con il quale forma "ITALIAN SECRET SERVICE", gruppo di electric-jazz con cui realizza 3 CDs.
A suo nome anche il quintetto JAZZASONIC (con cui ha inciso il CD omonimo) e il trio TRIOZONE del quale è uscito nel 2017 il primo cd intitolato "Talking Pictures".
Dal 1996 al 2001 ha fatto parte dell' Orchestra di Musica Leggera della RAI di Roma e in seguito di numerose altre orchestre televisive per programmi sia Mediaset che RAI.
Dal 2014 insegna Saxofono Jazz nei Conservatori Mascagni di Livorno e Venezze di Rovigo .
E' presente in oltre quaranta CD dei quali 13 come leader.
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